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Sunday, 5 November 2017

Saving Money to Travel

Saving Money to Travel
Sunday, 5 November 2017
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Money is the number one thing which puts people off travelling, not having enough, travel costs too much. It's all spending and no earning. It can be daunting leaving with a certain amount, and knowing that it has to last you x amount of time. No one wants to end up not doing things because they don't have enough money, so here are my top tips for saving money to travel.


If travel is your priority, you will stop spending money on other things. You will save everything you can in order to travel. This is the trick, trust me it works. I used to spend every single penny I earnt on makeup, and petrol money. As soon as I found out that I was coming to Australia, I didn't buy a single makeup product, I just saved everything I could and it adds up so quickly.

Cut Back.

Similar to prioritising, cutting back on unnecessary luxuries will save you much more than your imagining. Buy own brand instead of branded, especially when it comes to food and daily essentials where the difference is minimal but the savings are massive. Having unnecessary beauty treatments, magazine subscriptions, daily coffees add up so fast so save these for special treats or presents from other people rather than a regular thing.

Hidden Savings.

If you can see the money you are very aware you have, the temptation to spend it is increased however if it is out of sight, it is also out of mind. Now I am not suggesting squirrelling away money in various hidden places hoping that you'll remember where you put it in months to come, but setting up a savings accounts separates money to spend from money being saved. If you have zero self control even setting up a completely separate bank account, which you simply just put money into. Don't take the card out with you ever, don't set up any kind of access to that account other than physically having to take the card and type in the pin. If you work at a job where you get paid cash in hand, buy one of those jars which you can't open until you smash it. This eliminates any risk of spending the cash before it actually reaches your bank account.


Something which I should of done more of before I left, but I will be doing when I get back for sure. Have a clear out of your wardrobe, sell anything worth something and take the rest to a charity shop. I'm going to be selling heaps of makeup when I get home, because I have way too much. If your travelling for a long time you will soon realise how much stuff you just have at home, but don't really need. Depop, blog sales and eBay are all good ways. Getting up early and making the most of your nearest car boot sale.


Giving yourself something to aim for, a goal will make it so much to easier to save because you can see how far you've come and how far you've got to go. While planning your trip, you'll work out pretty early on how much you think it will cost. Aim for what you expect it'll cost, plus a bit more as a buffer.

Start saving, and you'll be on your way in no time. Loads more posts coming soon on saving money while travelling, travelling on a budget and getting the most for your money!
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